Rampage in Otway - April 5th, 2008 - Old Otway School - Otway, Ohio
Posted by: RCW Webmaster on 4/8/2008

Last Saturday RCW fans witnessed one of the most exciting events of the year. "Rampage in Otway" had the rowdy "Otwegians" on their feet in a frenzy as RCW delivered once again.


The night opened with a video recap of All Shook Up

The first match turned out to be a blockbuster of a bout. The flamboyant Corey Mason took on Matt Taylor who was accompanied by Miss MacKenzie. The crowd really got behind Taylor who had a hard time putting Mason away but eventually got the job done. After the bout Mason wanted a rematch at Road To Injection. The Loony Commissioner came out and asked Matt Taylor and Taylor accepted the rematch.

JD Santos and Vance Desmond would finally meet for the Lethal Lottery Ticket that Santos won back in January. If you remember Santos picked a match with Ace Gigolo. So in essence the match for the TV Title was up for grabs. Great high flying skills presented by both individuals. John Ruben got knocked down. Referee Steve Hephenstein came down after Santos knocked out Desmond and collapsed on him with his shoulders also on the mat. Ruben came to and both referees counted different shoulders and awarded the match to different winners. Commissioner Horton made a decision that both men would hold the lottery ticket and face Ace Gigolo for the RCW TV TITLE at Injection 6.

Ace Gigolo protested the 3-way match but proclaimed that after the Hardcore Fatal 4-way tonight that he would be RCW's first Triple Champion in the companies history. "The American Idol" Dirk Extreme then came out followed by Tyson Rogers and then Tank Runyon who all had words for each other and plans for the Fatal 4-way. Things got heated and the 4 went after each other. The Commissioner had to pull the roster from the locker room to get the 4 separated.

Ricochet was originally suppose to face Wes Cannon. Cannon was not cleared to wrestle and a substitution in Cole Cash was made at the last minute.Ricochet defeated the debut of Cole Cash. Cash looked impressive in his debut but was caught by Ricochet's superkick.

Also mysterious in his absence was Nikki Tyler. Tyler left Flash Fury hanging in a tagteam match but lucky for Flash The B.O.D. seen fit to give Flash a single's bout against another RCW debut.....Bryan Cross. Cross exhibited tremendous skills but could not overcome the energy and athleticism of Flash Fury.

Chuck Chronic thanked the fans of Otway for their support

Hollie Wood was brought out as the new manager of Randy Allen & Chris Smith while The Mastermind was in the corner of The Gods. The Gods (Judas Thorn & The Juggulator) retained the RCW Tagteam Titles via countout when Randy Allen through Judas Thorn into the ropes and knocked Chris Smith to the outside causing the countout. Allen and Smith had a heated argument after the match. The Mastermind walked out still the Manager of Champions.

A video played showing the progress of Trik Nasty

Tank Runyon won the Hardcore Fatal Four-Way Fall Count Anywhere Match and retained the RCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE. The first elimination happened nearly 35 minutes into the match and it would be two eliminations at once as Ace Gigolo and Tyson Rogers were pinned after a double elbow from the top from Tank & Extreme. It should be noted that Exotic E, Wes Cannon, & Ranger Bob stuck their noses into the match every chance they got. Dirk and Tank would then face off in a match that had the crowd divided. Tank's knee was injured early on and Extreme tried to submit the champion but could not. Earlier the two had decided to abide by the fans wishes and wrestle instead of using hardcore objects. Extreme grabbed a chair to use on Runyon's leg. It looked as if Extreme was rethinking the decision when Ace Gigolo jumped on the apron distracting Extreme. Meanwhile Rogers snuck back into the ring with the RCW Title. Tank took the belt from Rogers and went to nail him with it but Rogers ducked and Runyon hit Dirk instead. Tank went ahead and pinned Extreme to win the bout. Both men got an ovation after the bout.