RCW: Road to Injection - June 19, 2004 - Portsmouth, Ohio
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As we look in our rearview mirrors, we see that RCW: ROAD TO INJECTION is now behind us. But what an event it proved to be. A solid night of action that has now built even more anticipation for INJECTION 2 on July 31st.
The night started off with Tyson Rogers and Ace Gigolo letting the crowd know their future plans now that they are free of EXOTICA INC. Of course "Exotic" E didn't take too kindly to the remarks and made his way to the ring. E gave the two former members a chance to rejoin and "all would be forgiven. Gigolo and Rogers laughed in the exotic one's face which led to the match....
The match was a bit of back and forth between the two. Both used rulebreaking tactics to gain advantages over the other throughout the match. Meltdown at one point had put Ace to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex that looked to be the end for the womanizer. Rogers, however, saved Ace by jumping to the apron and distracting the referee. "Exotic" E and "Beautiful" Bobby L chased Rogers to the back. Meltdown went to give Ace his finisher, the chokebomb, but Gigolo countered with his version of the "Crippler Crossface" to pick up the submission and the win.
Commissioner Chris Smith then brought out Trik Nasty and Max Power for an interview. Only problem was that Max Power was nowhere to be found. Excalibur along with the Mastermind (Co-Commissioner) made their way to the ring. Randy Allen unveiled the fact that he was wearing the RCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP which belongs to Max Power. Excalibur suggested that Max Power had joined them and left Trik Nasty to fend for himself in a handicap match. Trik refused to believe this, but vowed to face Extreme and Allen 2 on 1 if that was the way it was to be.
The crowd was really behind Wrath in this outing. The youngster with his new trainer, "Attitude" Andy Runyon have really been heating things up here in RCW and is quickly proving that they will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. The vetern, Tank, really took it to Wrath. It looked many times as if Wrath was going to suffer a loss, but Nic just kept fighting back. The other members of Excalibur began sticking their noses into the match and Tank seemed to take offense to that. In fact, at the end of the match, Dirk Extreme held Nic Wrath on the outside of the ring while Randy Allen was about to lay him out when Tank got out of the ring and yelled at his teammates "I wanna win this the right way!". He argued so long with them that Wrath snuck back in the ring and won the match via a Count-Out. Tank left in disgust. As Nic celebrated in the ring with his mentor, Andy Runyon, a mysterious individual dressed in black and wearing a masked, jumped Andy Runyon and left him laying. The masked man exited quickly with Excalibur.
Exotica Inc. really had their hands full as Ricochet finally made his debut in front of an RCW crowd. Ricochet dazzled the fans as he executed Frankensteiners, planchas, and other high risk manuevers at a whim! "Beautiful" Bobby L though proved why he is a former RCW Heavyweight Champion. He took advantage of Ricochets high-flying. He waited for a mistake and then capitalized with a reverse DDT for the win. Ricochet though proved to everyone that he will be someone to look out for in RCW.
Juggulator and JD Escalade have proven to be a great tandem in RCW as they have held on to the TAGEAM TITLES for 7 months! The Freakshow have always came up a little short when their chance for gold has been presented to them. That was not to be the case on June 19th. The match was a good technical match for the first 15 minutes or so, then all hell broke loose in the final minutes of the match. Josh Hayes, Freakshow's manager, got involved by jumping on the apron. Juggulator got enraged at the blantant disrespect for what was an otherwise friendly competetive matchup. Juggulator chased Hayes from the ring, which left JD alone with Shigroth and Fury. Freakshow took advantage of the moment and double-teamed Escalade for the win. Freakshow became the new RCW Tagteam Champions. Da Rydas personal friend and acting manager in other promotions, Ed Crowza, came to the ring visible upset. He put down the Freakshow for what they have done. He pledged to be in Da Rydas corner during the 3-team ladder match at Injection 2 to make sure this never happened again.
This match should read Excalibur vs Trik Nasty because Max Power never showed. "Attitude" Andy Runyon tried to become Trik's partner in the match but Mastermind and clan wasn't having it as the contract read 4 names and Runyon's was not one of them. Chris Smith however, allowed Runyon to be out there as an "enforcer" of sorts. Trik took it to both Dirk and Randy in the beginning, delivering hitosses, clotheslines, slams, and a dive to the outside onto both. However, it was just a matter of time until the 2 on 1 became too much. Trik even delivered his "Swanton" on Dirk Extreme and was about to win until Allen broke up the count. Then all Hell broke loose as Dirk delivered the "Ex-Communicator". But Trik still kicked out!! Then, Dirk distracted the referee, as Mastermind handed Allen a cane that laid Trik out. Dirk and Randy then delivered "The Sword In The Stone" that finally kept the fan favorite down fot the 3 count. The action wasn't over though, as Andy Runyon and Trik Nasty jumped Excalibur and beat them all over Elm Street. Allen and Extreme got rammed into a porta-potty and then drug to a chainlink fence where the two were annihilated. Andy then slammed Allen on the ground as Trik stood upon a wooden pole in the ground and delivered a "swanton" right there on the hard ground!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, this was one of the most entertaining Battle Royals I have ever seen. Weapons were allowed and were used to some degree. 20 men entered the battle royal and were eliminated when thrown over the top rope. Even both Commissioners entered the Royal. The Battle showcased off a lot of talent. The Freakshow and Da Rydas eliminated each other. Andy Runyon and Tank eliminated people left and right. Randy Allen got Chris Smith out of the ring. The final 6 were Trik Nasty, Nic Wrath, Andy Runyon, Tank, Dirk Extreme, and Randy Allen. Randy eliminated Trik and Tank eliminated Wrath which left a 3 on 1 advantage against Runyon. Runyon was backed into a corner and surrounded. He then speared Extreme to the mat but was quickly jumped by Tank and Allen. Allen charged Runyon but Runyon held the top rope down and Allen plunged to the ground and was eliminated. Dirk quickly attacked Runyon and held him as Tank reached into his tights and pulled out a bag of powder. He threw the powder, but Andy ducked, and Dirk received the powder in the eyes. Andy yelled for Tank to take advantage of the situation and Tank did by throwing his own teammate out. Which left the 2 Runyons in the ring. They each showed respect for the other by throwing out all the weapons. Then the two went at it. Andy went to attack Tank but Tank bypassed Andy and it appeared that Andy had went out. Tank thought that he had won but Andy came up from behind him and tossed the big man out. ANDY RUNYON WINS! Runyon was then attacked once again by the masked man. He was ready for him this time however as the individual caught a powerbomb for his troubles. Andy was ready to unmask this mystery but Excalibur pulled him to safety. Andy celebrated as THE ROAD TO INJECTION has now been paved. Ladies and gentlemen, if this was any indication of the action we will see at INJECTION 2 then we are all in for a treat. |